Richard Birdsall Rogers - 1894 Diary

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During the Year...

Richard was 37 years old. All but the last of his children were born. [Note: Those not mentioned previously because the diaries are missing or nonexistent are: Edna Isabella (b. 1888), Lillian Kate (b. 1890) and Leah (b. 1892)]. His fifth child Lillian suffered from serious convulsions all year. In March and April all the children became ill with the measles. RBR mentioned the process of getting approval for the Trent Valley (T.V) Canal. He was put in charge of the new works in June. That same month he also started the survey of the Canal. In October he left for Ottawa with plans and specifications of the Trent Valley Canal for Section 1 Peterborough – Lakefield Division, and Section 1 Simcoe & Balsam Lake Division. At the end of the month advertisements calling for tenders for Section 1 in Simcoe & Balsam and Peterborough – Lakefield Sections appeared in the papers. His wife Mina suffered a bad fall in November, injuring her head. In late November RBR met with several councils and authorities regarding the roads and bridges on the canal. Early in December he looked at possible locations for dams on the river and some land was bought for them. By the end of the month he was inspecting the site for the Lift Lock.



Headlines in the Papers...

  • The Trent Valley Canal Again (no month, 28, Lindsay [Warder])
  • The Trent Valley Canal. Editor Morning Times (April 11, Morning Times)
  • Must be Completed (April 13, Unknown)



1894 Diary

Period covered: January 1, 1894 - December 31, 1894

Dimensions: 15 cm X 7.5 cm (l x w)

No. of Pages: 276

Note: The diary is missing its cover. In the Addenda pages there are two cash account ledgers for March and April of the same year. Also, there are Bills Payable pages for Public Works and Railways & Canals, both labelled with the heading 1894-1895. He kept a Bills Payable ledger for the year. The Addresses section at the end of the diary contains 5 entries: Mrs. George C. Rogers, Mrs. Pellatt, G.A. Mothersill, S.H. Smith & Co. and Rev. W. [Loucks].


Monday January 1: "Beautiful Day. Had gentlemen’s dinner party. Rev. Symonds, J. Burnham, H. Calcutt, J.Z. Rogers, E. Peck, Rev. C. Healey, J. Healey, H. Burnham, Mongomery, Ritchie. Went calling in afternoon with Skip. Rev. Symmonds, T. Hay with me. Went to party in pm at J. Burnham’s (Edith’s). Very nice."

Tuesday January 2: "Fine. Went to hear Nora Clenok in evening. Gertrude Mothersill with me."

Wednesday January 3: "Went to party. Hetty Burnhams in evening."

Thursday January 4: "Very mild - Sleighing getting bad. Drove to Lakefield in pm to see Wm Baptie. Took Gertrude Mothersill with me."

Friday January 5: "Went to Cobourg at 7 am to final Meeting of Co’s Com’tee. Weddell & I were settled up with. Weddell got $1000 extra’s from Com’tee. He agreed with me before Warden to reinforce carrying girders of [---] and point up Masonry. After meeting got 50.00 W_ Home at 5. Went to party at Mrs. Orde’s. Snowed 5 inches."

Saturday January 6: "Office. Sold my horse ‘Skip’ to Armstrong for $25.00 (12.50 note and 5 cords wood). Sorry to part with her but she was not much use to me as she was so lame. Cold."

Sunday January 7: "Beautiful day. Cold."

Monday January 8: "Busy getting ready for party tonight. Had party for Gertrude. [---] Some older ones there. Went off splendidly. Beautiful day."

Tuesday January 9: "Fine day. Office. Curled at night. Gertrude Mothersill went home to Ottawa this am.

Wednesday January 10: "Office."

Thursday January 11: "Office. Curled at night."

Fruday January 12: "Very cold wind. Drove down to Mr. Z Burnhams to young peoples party."

Saturday January 13: "Fine. Milder. Curled at night. Sent application for increase salary. C. Winslow at tea at house."

Sunday January 14: "Mild. Trees beautiful with frost."

Monday January 15: "Mild & raining. Miserable day. Heavy fog. Office. Eddie arrived in Toronto this a.m."

Tuesday January 16: "My birthday. Little colder. Went to Guild ([---]) social at night."

Wednesday January 17: "Fine. Curled in afternoon. Went to meeting of in hall & to hear Bishop of Missouri. Laye meeting. Was rather disappointed in the Bp address."

Thursday January 18: "Colder. Office. Went to gentlemens supper at Mr. Calcutts."

Friday January 19: "Fine. Hughes [Mr.] called at 2 pm was with him all afternoon. Went to show with Mina & Add at night."

[No entries January 20 - January 25]

Friday January 26: "Went to Toronto. Went up to Pattie's to lunch. Got cat. Maria, Pattie, & Soph Burnet & I drove to church St Peter's. Eddie was married at 2 pm. Had my dress clothes on at ch. Went back & changed them & went to reception at the Pellats & stayed to supper & we went to Pattie’s. Eddie & Emily went to Pt. Hope for the night. I came home at 9 pm train."

Saturday January 27: "Fine. Busy at house fixing sofa & chairs. Eddie & Emily arrived to stay with us from Pt. Hope at 5.12 pm. Sophia to tea. Ed & E went o Jas' after tea. Curled."

Sunday January 28: "Church. Ed & Emily drove out to the Prices in pm. Sophia & Henry Rogers to dinner. Jas, Sophia & children & Mrs. Orde after church. Fine. Milder."

Monday January 29: "Eddie & Emily went driving in am with Calcutts horse. They & I went to tea at Mrs. Ordes & to concert at St Lukes after. Started to snow & blow at noon and snowed about a foot. Very blustery."

Tuesday January 30: "Busy getting things ready for party tonight. E. & E. went to dinner & tea at Jas’. Drove them to Aunty Burnham’s & Judge Wellers in p.m. Had Progressive Euchre party at night & dance after. Went off Splendidly. About 60 there. 13 tables & 1 whist table."

Wednesday January 31: "Ed & Emily started for Toronto via Pt. Hope at 11:45 am. Busy getting house settled again. Bible class & choir practice. Cold. Fine & cold."

Thursday February 1: " Office. Cold. Curled at night."

Friday February 2: "Fine. Played 13 Point game with Taylor. Was beaten 12 to 2 (he had 5 hand[---]."

Saturday February 3: "Fine. Mild. Curled in afternoon. Building toboggan slide for children till 2 pm."

Sunday February 4: "Cold & raw. Lillian not very well. Very cold at night 25 below zero."

Monday February 5: "Very cold in am. Went to Campbellford in pm to meet Butten but he had left. Went to sale of periodicals at Mechanics Institute at night."

[No entry February 6]

Wednesday February 7: "Ash Wednesday. Church twice."

Thursday February 8: "Drove (Fitzgerald) to Bob’n (S. Calcutt with me). Fine. Looked over works & exam’d pier & boom. Stayed at M. Boyd’s."

Friday February 9: "Snowing & blowing. Very disagreeable. Was going to Fenelon but such bad day did not go."

Saturday February 10: "Fine in am. Snowing & blowing terribly. Drove home (3-6). Very disagreeable."

Sunday February 11: "Fine."

Monday February 12: "Fine in am. Terrible storm in p.m. Snow & blow. Miss Brown & Edith Hutchison over to tea. Maria, Edith also there."

Tuesday February 13: "Curled at night."

Wednesday February 14: "Fine. Curled in afternoon. Went to Hockey match at night, "Queens" vs Peterboro. Pet won 8 to 3. Went to choir practice."

Thursday February 15: "Went to Lakefield to curl 3 rinks. Was beaten 26 pts. Drove home & spend evening at Marias. Fine."

Friday February 16: "Very cold (below zero) all day. Office. Curled in pm. Service at night."

Saturday February 17: "Beautiful day. Drove (Fitz team) to Burleigh. Took levels. Milder & rain at night."

Sunday February 18: " Beautiful day. Did not go to ch at night as Mina not very well."

Monday February 19: "Mild. Colder at night. Curled in pm. Service. Hockey match for championship (Junior) with [---] II Toronto. Peterboro won 15 to 0."

Tuesday February 20: "Went to Toronto 7.20 to curl 12 rinks [---]. Our rink was beaten 9 shots. Went to see Patti at night. Colder."

Wednesday February 21: "Cold. Office. Service & choir practice."

Thursday February 22: "Cold. Curled in pm. Spent evening (Mina) at T.A. Hay's."

Friday February 23: "Very cold & N.W. wind. Fixing up developing room at office all day. [---]. Service & choir practice."

Saturday February 24: "Very cold. 10 below zero with wind all day. Morison (Reeve Monaghan) called. Office all day, developed photos in pm."

Sunday February 25: "Beautiful day. Not so cold. Tea at Sophia's. Wilfred Spillsbury thot I might want my house 1st May."

Monday February 26: "Milder. Office."

Tuesday February 27: "Drove (team Fitz) to Buckhorn. Caddy with me. Went to look at Fife’s cow. Rink at night. Beautiful day. Thawing."

Wednesday February 28: "Milder. Thawing. Office. Service & choir practice."

Thursday March 1: "Mild. Office. Developing photos."

Friday March 2: "Very mild. Service & choir practice."

Saturday March 3: "Very mild. Morison reeve of Monaghan called re Roses bridge enlargement. Sophia down in evening. Fine."

Sunday March 4: "Lillian had a convulsion about 3 am. A very bad one. The last one she had was 3 months ago. Dr. Boucher came as Haliday was out. Lillian better in pm. Very mild. Could sit outside & read. Sleighing about gone in town."

Monday March 5: "Very mild. Thawing very fast. Creeks all full. Creek in Village running over sidewalks & roads. Office."

Tuesday March 6: "Went out to R. Fifes (Smith) to get an Ayrshire cow which I purchased for $40.00. Very mild & snow about all gone in fields. Went to Bd. Of Trade Meeting & after to Mrs. Orde’s. Got medicine powders & tonic from Dr. for Lillian. Rain at night."

Wednesday March 7: "Mild & fine. A little colder. Office. Went to service at St. John’s to hear the Bishop of Qu’Appelle."

Thursday March 8: "Very mild but cooler towards night. Walked to locks. Miss E Peck at house. Went to Calcutts afterwards."

Friday March 9: "Mild. Colder at nights. Office. Service at nt."

Saturday March 10: "Fine & mild. Went up to Sophias for churn."

Sunday March 11: "Fine. Very windy."

Monday March 12: "Beautiful day. Mild. Office. Spent evening at Maria’s. Churned for the first time today. Made 7 ½ lbs. butter from 8 milkings (2 cows). Was up part of to-night with Lillian as she was again threatened with convulsion."

Tuesday March 13: "Mild & fine. Rain at night. Snow 1/2 inch this am. Spillsbury said he was going to move out of my house 1 May."

Wednesday March 14: "Fine. Took Edna over to dentist. Got telegraph to go to Ottawa tonight. Started for Ottawa at 11.20. J. Burnham & S. Hughes & C. Fairbain went down."

Thursday March 15: "Arr’d in Ottawa at 6 am. Went up to Dept. R & C & drove to see Hogg & O’Connor. Parliament opened this afternoon. Went to it with Shannon and Mothersill. Went to Mothersills after supper. Rev W. Loucks came to dinner with me. Stayed at Grand Union."

Friday March 16: "Was around Depts all day. Went to Rideau Club with F. Haultain (Premier of North West Territories) to lunch. Went to hear debate in afternoon & night. Started for home at 10.35."

Saturday March 17: "Stormy in am. Office."

Sunday March 18: "Very mild and like summer. Walked up to Sophia's."

Monday March 19: "Very mild. Office. Service at night & over to Dr. for med'e for Lillian. The ice all went out of the lake (Little) today. Very early.

Tuesday March 20: "Fine. Cool. Walked around by locks & exam’d gates. Went to service."

Wednesday March 21: "Showry. Was going to drive to Bobn today but too wet. Service at night. Kennedy started to work at repairing gates & floor at Bob’n today. Started to take "Times"."

Thursday March 22: "Cold & rain at night. Walking slippery."

Friday March 23: "Good Friday. Ch in am & night. Good congregation at night. Cold raw day. George not very well."

Saturday March 24: "Did not feel very well. Bot 2 pigs on market. Busy making text for church. Grassett helped me. Got it up in church about 11.45. George very sick. Sent for Dr. who said it was measels. Put G’s bed in Edna’s room as it was warmer."

Sunday March 25: "Easter. Fine day but very cold & windy. Have not felt colder this winter. Good congregations at all services. Collection $110. 176 communicants. Every thing went off well. Church looked beautiful. George pretty sick. Sophia & children at dinner."

Monday March 26: "Feel the cold more today than any day this winter. Cold & windy. Office. George pretty sick today but getting better at night. Annual Vestry meeting."

Tuesday March 27: "Very cold wind. Office. Walked around by locks with E.A. Peck."

Wednesday March 28: "Beautiful day. Milder but wind. Office. Walked over Mills property with Peck. Went to Cricket meeting but did not materialize. Went to Eurchre party at Mrs. Ordes."

Thursday March 29: "Fine but cool wind. Office. Walked down to end of George St with Peck. Bible class.

Friday March 30: "Fine. Cool. [---].

Saturday March 31: "Office in am. Went to Hastings in p.m. to make survey of Fowlds raceway. T. Hay with me. Very windy. Did not finish. Rain at night."

Sunday April 1: "Fine but cool."

Monday April 2: "Edna went to bed with measels. Went to theater (Jarbean) at night. Took Susan Calcutt with me."

Tuesday April 3: "Drove to Bob’n (team Fitz). Roads good. Kennedy fixing leak in chamber. Frickey went up with me. Children all pretty sick today. Fine. Cold raw wind."

Wednesday April 4: "Fine. Went to locks to show Croly work to be done at gates. Cricket Meeting (Annual) at my office. Elected 1st Vice Pres. but resigned to take Sec’y-Treasurer. Harry went to bed this am. with Measels. Edna, Lillian & Leah very bad with them today."

Thursday April 5: "Children pretty sick. Office. Fine. Ice went out of Rice Lake today."

Friday April 6: "Fine & warm. Children a little better. Edna and baby got up. Office. Sent plans of Raceway Hastings to Hogg. Had preliminary meeting to arrange for C[---] Minstrel in Opera House."

Saturday April 7: "Fine. Office. Children better & up except Harry."

Sunday April 8: "Cool & windy."

Monday April 9: "Fine but cool. Office. Busy getting Minstrels re working order. Office at night.

Tuesday April 10: "Very windy. Dusty & disagreeable. Sleet & snow 2 inches at night. First rehearsal of Cricket club Minstrels. Very good."

Wednesday April 11: "Office. Snow about 3 inches deep. Disappeared at noon. Left for Ottawa at 11.40."

Thursday April 12: "Arrived in Ottawa. Saw Ferguson & Preston re Report on Narrows Bridge. Made report on Narrows Bridge to Schreiber. Around Depts. all day. House at night. Have to stay over to make report for Mr Coste re lumbermens tools. First really warm day we have had."

Friday April 13: "Stayed over to go over report for Mr. Coste re Lumbermen’s appl’n for remission of tolls. Went to look at bicycle and bought it from Smith for $62.50. Went to dinner at Mothersills & after to see the Morrises. Started for home at 10.35. Beautiful warm day."

Saturday April 14: "Beautiful & warm. Office. Football meeting at my office. Old stable and store house at grist mill burnt down. Arrived from Ottawa at 5.30 am."

Sunday April 15: "Fine & warm. Want rain."

Monday April 16: "Fine. Office. Practice of Minstrels at night & meeting at Council chamber re sports on 24th May."

Tuesday April 17: "Fine & warm. Office. Meeting P.A.A.A. at my office at night."

Wednesday April 18: "Fine. Went to locks in pm. Went up to Croly’s and instructed him to go on repairing gates at lock. Meeting of Minstrels."

Thursday April 19: "Fine. Showers at night. Office. Went over to see Hughes at night. 9.15. Croly started at lock gate today."

Friday April 20: "Fine. Stormy at night. Drove to Bob’n (team Fitz) McKey with me. Drove on to Fenelon in pm. and back to Bob’n. Slept at MB’s. Kennedy working at putting timber down along edge of [---] bottom in lock."

Saturday April 21: "At Bob’n looked at dredge & old scow bottom. Men still working at lock bottom. Showry in am. Started for home at 3 pm. Went to Maria’s in evening to childrens party."

Sunday April 22: "Fine. Cooler. Rode bicycle out to Amelia’s in pm. Mr. Davies started at St. Lukes today for first time as organist."

Monday April 23: "Fine. Office. Croly went to Burleigh to start brackets to-day. Minstrel rehearsal in pm."

Tuesday April 24: "Drove (Fitzgerald team) to Burleigh. McKey with me. Water not low enough yet to work on dam."

Wednesday April 25: "Fine. W White called & I engaged to go on ‘Empire’ on same terms as last year. He went up to Lakefield by train."

Thursday April 26: "Went to Campbellford. Saw Burk re dam. Drove to Narrows [---] bridge & home by CPRy. Fine & warm."

Friday April 27: "Office. Minstrel practice at night."

Saturday April 28: "Went to Stirling Chisholms & home by Trenton. Saw Weddell at Trenton. Drove Stirling to Trenton/Ferguson. Showry."

Sunday April 29: "Fine. Went with Tupper at Mr. Symonds after Church."

Monday April 30: " Fine. Office. John Archer was drowned this pm - 4 miles below locks. Rode down on wheel but could find nothing of him. Office at night."

Tuesday May 1: "Fine. Rode down river to help look for body of J Archer in am & again in pm. Found him in pm. Rehearsal. (Feby 17th - Charge Apr 24th - trip to Burleigh in this months acct DPWks.)"

Wednesday May 2: "Fine. Meeting here today to decide on action to be taken to promote the interests of the TV Canal scheme. Was a very representative meeting and it decided to send a deputation to Ottawa. Was with Ostrom, Jagnes& Murphy most of day. Croly started to work at locks again."

Thursday May 3: "Rode to locks to see Croly at gates in am. Fine. Ascension Day service at night."

Friday May 4: "Fine. Went to locks in pm. Rehearsal at night."

Saturday May 5: "Office. Fine. Rain at night. ‘Empire’ started out this pm from Burleigh for Bridgenorth for first trip. W.White Engineer. Frank Moram wheelman."

Sunday May 6: "Fine. Rain at night. Went up to tea at Mrs. Hamilton's & looked at her windmill."

Monday May 7: "Drove (McKey) to Bridgenorth. Went to Bob’n on Empire. Gates working fine. Dinner at MB's. Walked most of way from Bridgenorth & McKey was not there. Minstrel practice. Very windy."

Tuesday May 8: "Office. Fine. Went to Minstrel show - Slavery days." [Note: "Slavery days" added in pen].

Wednesday May 9: "Office. Went to locks in p.m. Minstrel practice at night."

Thursday May 10: "Fine. Office. Rehearsal [---] [---] club. Went to Bridgenorth. Started Carreth to refloor the stern of Empire."

Friday May 11: "Office. Fine. Rehearsal at night. At locks in pm."

Saturday May 12: "Fine. Office. Rehearsal at night."

Sunday May 13: "Fine. Office. Tea at Marias."

Monday May 14: "Office. Busy with Minstrel practice at night."

Tuesday May 15: "Very busy with Minstrels. Had Minstrels (Cricket club) Show. Went off grand. It was perhaps best amateur show ever held here. Big crowd but expenses so heavy that we will not make very much."

Wednesday May 16: "Met AF Wood re Indian River matter. Drove to locks. Busy in pm getting things staightened up after Minstrels. Drove (McKey) to Br'th to see boat."

Thursday May 17: "Arr’d in Ottawa. Had preliminary meeting & all deputation (T.V.C.) marched up to Ry Committee room where we met Hon. J. Haggard & SW J. Thompson. Both ministers assured the Deputation that it was the intention of Gov’t to go on with T.V. Canal at once and that contract would be let this Fall. This is the most important announcement that has yet been made regarding the TV Canal. Spent afternoon in Dept. re Foulds matter. Started for home at 10.30."

Friday May 18: "Arrived home from Ottawa. Drove (McKey) team to Br’th. Took Empire for Bob’n & went to examine cut at mouth of Scugog. Found it allright [sic]. Went home by Lindsay. M M Boyd & others went up on boat to Bob’n with me. Very windy & cold wind."

Saturday May 19: "Went to locks in am. West gate about finished. Started to rain at noon and poured till midnight. Went to office at night."

Sunday May 20: "Poured rain all day till midnight. A great deal of rain has fallen. Started for Ottawa at 11:40."

Monday May 21: "Arrived in Ottawa in a.m. Met Thompson Marceau & [---] to revise rules & regulations for Canals. Met Stewart P.E. Island. Went up to house at night. Rev. W Loucks came to dinner with me at Russell. Fine in Ottawa. Rain in Peterboro."

Tuesday May 22: "Working all day at rules & regulations for canals. Went to lecture of Royal Society Dr. Dawson. Started for home at 10.30. Fine in Ottawa. Rain in Peterboro."

Wednesday May 23: "Office. Went to locks. Fine.

Thursday May 24: "Heavy showers all day. Worked in office part of day."

Friday May 25: "Office. Fine. C. Winslow at house to tea. Choir practice."

Saturday May 26: "Played cricket Trin. Coll. School Pt Hope. They beat us in one inning. Had [---] (professional) at supper with me. We had only [---] team."

Sunday May 27: "Fine. Rain at night. Started for Ottawa at 11.40 pm. Sent for by Coste. Dept P Wks." [Note: "Dept P Wks" added in pen].

Monday May 28: "Arrived in Ottawa at 6 am. Saw Coste re report on lumbermen’s kick against paying tolls. Rain. Went to Mothersills after tea. Started for home at 10.30."

Tuesday May 29: "Arrived home from Ottawa at 4.40 am. Drove to Bridgenorth (McKey) & took Empire for Buckhorn & Deer Bay. Exam’d wood in Deer Bay. Cut part of bracket off Buckhorn dam to let more water away. Ran to Bob’n. Dredge ready to work."

Wednesday May 30: "Ran ‘Emp’ & took Kennedy & 2 men to cut to start work. Ran to Lindsay & met J. Delaire & was going back when met J Dobson saying that S. Hughes sent word to run some of the Orangemen to Fenelon as there was such a crowd on the other boat. Did so. [Burmingham] was on board. Came home. Sent [---] etc. down on boat. Came home by train. Fine. "

Thursday May 31: "Went to locks in am. Fowlds logs are running & on acct of being cedar of all lengths it forms jams on slides but no damage or delay was caused. I always thought there was a boom on & there was till this year. Drove to locks again in pm. Rained hard all pm & night. Office at night."

Friday June 1: "Drove (McKey) to Bob’n. Got scow & dredge ready to start. Towed dredge about beacons & left her there for night. Miserable day. Cold & raining. Stayed at M Boyd’s"

Saturday June 2: "Started at 8 am from Bob’n with dredge for cut at Scugog. Got there at 1.15. Got things ready to start work. Fine in pm. Showry in am. Took Kennedy & other men up. Went home via Lindsay."

Sunday June 3: "Fine.

Monday June 4: "Went to cut via Lindsay & Empire. Left cut at 5 pm. Started to dredge at 3 pm. Not working well together yet. Ran to Bob’n & supper at W. Boyd’s. Got telegraph to go to Ottawa at once. Started home & left for Ottawa at 11.40."

Tuesday June 5: "Rain. Arrived in Ottawa at 6 am. Went to Dept R & C. Was asked by Mr. Schreiber my opinion as to sections (new) to be gone on with next on TV Canal. Was all day in Dept. working on estimates for $300,000 contract. Recommended the Trenton end as the cheapest & the one from which the most immediate benefit would be derived. The Ministry afterwards decided to go on with both the Peterboro & Simcoe sections. Prepared estimate for concrete lock for Chief. Was informed by him that I was to go on in charge of the new work after the 1st of July which is perhaps the most vital news of my life."

Wednesday June 6: "In Ottawa. At Dept. all day. Rathbone & Gilmour down to see Ministers re removing tolls off logs. Went up to House of Commons after supper to see if our estimates came up. Walked down with Mr. Schreiber. Also asked me to go in & have a cup of tea which I I gladly did and had a very pleasant hour with he & his daughter Mrs. Fletcher. Fine but cool."

Thursday June 7: "Started for home at 10.40 a.m. Stevenson repeated to Schreiber that I had spoke to him about a bridge contract Law had got. Got me into serious trouble over it. Got home at 4.40. Very warm. Office at night."

Friday June 8: "Went to dredge. [---] all day. Bro't 3 Lindsay & J Delaire up on boat from dredge as we decided to shut down as much expense as possible as our appro’n is about run out & our supply has not been reached yet. Went via Lindsay. Very warm."

Saturday June 9: "Went to dredge, Fenelon & looked at Ry bridge &c. Took Kennedy with me. Shut down on all extra labor expense in connection with dredging so as to keep dredge working as long as possible. Kennedy & his gang went home via Bridgenorth. McKey met me. Susie C. went down with me. Very warm"

Sunday June 10: "Very warm. Lillian has not been well for 2 or 3 days. She took another convulsion just as Mina was undressing her but Mina chloroformed her at once and gave her mixture so she had not a very bad one. I have a bad touch of lumbago. Went over to Dr’s for medicine for myself & Lillian."

Monday June 11: "Very warm. Office. Lillian better but weak. Busy with report on Fenelon Falls bridge. Office at night."

Tuesday June 12: "Office. Very warm. Back pretty bad with lumbago. Office at night."

Wednesday June 13: "Office. Very warm. Back some better. Office at night."

Thursday June 14: "Busy getting out a plan for a concrete lock. Got telegraph to go to Ottawa. Started for Ottawa at 11.40 pm. Very warm."

Friday June 15: "Arrived in Ottawa at 6 am. Was instructed to prepare an estimate of the T.V. Canal taking Rubidge’s quantities as a basis. Busy all day getting plans &c. Terribly hot."

Saturday June 16: "Terribly warm. Busy making up estimate TVC. Went to Cricket match in afternoon. Worked again til 12 pm."

Sunday June 17: "Heat terrible. Went to Grace church in am. Went to tea at Mothersills & Grace ch at night with them. Heavy thunder storms in evening."

Monday June 18: "Very warm. Heavy thunder storms. Busy at my estimate TVC."

Tuesday June 19: "Very warm. Busy at estimate. Finished it and went in & saw Minister with chief. Made estimate about 6 Million. Started for home at 10.30. Thunder storms. Mina's Birthday."

Wednesday June 20: "Arr’d home at 5 am. Started for dredge via Millbrook at 12. Drove from Lindsay to dredge. Went in Empire to Bob’n & Bridge'th. Part of bottom of lock ([---]) [---] up yesterday. Also bridge was out of order. Instructed Kennedy re bridge. Very warm."

Thursday June 21: "Office. Very warm."

Friday June 22: "Office. Very warm (terrible)."

Saturday June 23: "Rec’d written instructions to report to Ottawa Monday morning to arrange staff to commence survey of Canal at once. Saw Stevenson re his advocating Munro as Consulting Engineer. He promised to ammend matters."

Sunday June 24: "Very warm. Thunderstorms at night. Went over & saw Mr. Law & got book from him. Started for Ottawa at 11.40."

Monday June 25: "At Ottawa. Arranging staff for TV Canal survey. Chief decided to send M. Greenwood & H. Morrow for Peterboro section and Fellows & Tripp in Balsam Lake section. Very warm. Went to Mothersills after supper. Started for home at 10.35."

Tuesday June 26: "Ontario Elections held today. Mowat was sustained in power. Arrived home from Ottawa at 5 am. Very warm. Office at night."

Wednesday June 27: "Very hot. M Greenwood reported to me today for work. We walked over part of the line near Ashburnham in afternoon. He went home again to pack up. Very warm. Thunderstorm in pm."

Thursday June 28: "Office. Cook & Whitty's circus here today. Took children in afternoon. Office at night. Very hot."

Friday June 29: "Went to Dredge & Bob’n via Lindsay & "Emp". Instructed B[---] to notify boatmen that we would shut down locks for repairs week ending 7 inst. Ordered Dredge to shut down tomorrow night on acct of supplies not being yet [---] [---] [---] via Lindsay. Very hot."

Saturday June 30: "Office. Very hot."

Sunday July 1: "Very warm. Was not at church to-night. Took Mrs. Ward's S School class. Dominion Day."

Monday July 2: "Moved up to Chemong cottage to stay for few days as a change for Lillian. Went to Buckhorn on "Emp". Instructed Hill re putting down brackets. Great wind & thunder storm at night."

Tuesday July 3: "M Greenwood missed train at Pt Hope so did not get here till 5 pm. Mr. Fellows also arrived at 5 p.m. Went to supper at "Oriental". Drove out (McKey) to lake (Chemong). Good deal cooler. Windy."

Wednesday July 4: "Drove in from lake. Took Mr. Greenwood & party down to commencement of line at lake in forenoon. Also took Tripp (leveller) down to carry up levels from locks. They both got to work after dinner. I drove up to Sophias & drove her out to Park & came in again & worked at office. Cool."

Thursday July 5: "Started for the Balsam lake via Lindsay. Took Empire there & arrived at Laidlaws at 7 pm. G Fellows with me. Fine day. Slept on "Emp". At Rosedale asked lockmaster to put in logs so that water may be held up. Also asked him to put on brackets. Took pilot (Jewell) from Fenelon."

Friday July 6: "G Laidlaw drove us to Kirkfield where we got a team & drove over the whole line between Balsam Lake & L Simcoe. Rain at night."

Saturday July 7: "Arranged with Laidlaw for house (Fort) for $10 or $12 per mo. Left G. Fellows in charge of survey of this section. Started for home at 8.30. Telegraphed Tripp to come over as leveller for Fellows. Told Brokenshire to put splash booms on Rosedale dam. Came down to Brig’th in "Emp". Visited dredge. Mina & children came down from Park as it was so very cold."

Sunday July 8: "After church in pm went to J Burnhams. After went over to hotel & saw S Hughes."

Monday July 9: "Office in am. Drove out to line in afternoon. Party about rifle [---]. Cooler."

Tuesday July 10: "Office. Getting out paylist & acounts."

Wednesday July 11: "Office. Getting off paylists."

Thursday July 12: "Went to Balsam lake section. Train to Beaverton on train & drove to Fort. Took 2 men from Beaverton. Rain last night."

Friday July 13: "Drove over line with Fellows. I ran line levels over a line south of Kirkfield. Went to Gamebridge & took train for home. Fine."

Saturday July 14: "Went to dredge at 12 noon via Lindsay. Drove Lindsay to dredge ([---]). Fine."

Sunday July 15: "Fine. Hot."

Monday July 16: "Office in morning. Drove over line in pm. Very hot. Work at night."

Tuesday July 17: "Drove to Lakefield & to Katchewana Lake & examined the channels to be dredged. Sounded them. Very hot. Boys with me. Worked at night."

Wednesday July 18: "Went to Fenelon. Met Mr. Hannaford by appointment & went in his car to Lindsay and back to Pet’o. Exam'd bridge & piers at Fenelon. I proposed that boom glance should run past end of caisson for the present & that we are to move guard piers. Most terrible hot day. Worked at night."

Thursday July 19: "Most terribly hot. Office. Worked at night."

Friday July 20: "Started for Balsam lake with family at 11 am. Drove (Jones) to Bridge & took "Emp" to Bob’n. Got delayed by tow in lock. Went to tea at Boyd’s. Ran on to mouth Scugog to dredge & stayed there for night. Fine & hot."

Saturday July 21: "Started at 9 for Balsam lake & got there about 4 pm. Had difficulty in getting up Rosedale river. Staying in Barracks. Fine & warm."

Sunday July 22: "Stayed about house most of day. Dinner at Laidlaw's."

Monday July 23: "Drove over part of line [Note: "& took some levels on line south of Kirkfield" crossed out]. Hot. Party moved into camp at Bolsover."

Tuesday July 24: "Went to Peterboro via G.T.Ry. from Victoria Road. Returned to Balsam lake at night. Got P Wks pay list. Showry all day."

Wednesday July 25: "Drove over line. Walked over tangent from Balsam lake to Victoria road. Very hot."

Thursday July 26: "As we could get no girl & Lillian did not seem very well & I should be at home, we decided to go home. Rowed to Rosedale & met "Emp". Was delayed at Bob’n with tow & it was so late when we got to Bridgenorth we decided to stay there. Very hot."

Friday July 27: "Played cricket East Toronto. We beat them. Very hot. We arrived home this morning at 10.00 am. Worked at night."

Saturday July 28: Busy in office all day. Went to locks (Jones) and worked at night. Very hot."

Sunday July 29: "Very warm. Went down after dinner to see re letting water out of lake to find body of R. Sheehy who was drowned last night."

Monday July 30: "Busy at office. Went to visit Croly afternoon at piers in lake. Went up to John Burnhams after."

Tuesday July 31: "Drove (Leary) to Bridgenorth & took "Emp" to Bob'n & cut at Scugog. Comm'd driving piles today. Went home again. Mock[endge] & his boys with me. Fine day."

Wednesday August 1: "Office in am. Went over line to Nassaw in pm. Greenwood with me (Jones). Office at night. Fine. Cooler."

Thursday August 2: "Office. Busy with paylists &c. [---] away as child is sick. Drove (Leary) to locks. Heavy thundershower at night. Greenwood over to tea with me. Office at night."

Friday August 3: "Ran Emp from Chemong to Lakefield. Mr. Calcutt & girls with me. Showry & cool. Crandella struck at Spooke Island by getting out of channel. [C] Postlewaite was steering her."

Saturday August 4: "Cooler & fine. Office. Drove to see Law & locks (Croly) putting on mud sills."

Sunday August 5: "Fine. Started for Ottawa at 11.40 pm."

Monday August 6: "Arrived in Ottawa at 5 am. Saw Chief Engr re Hydraulic lift locks and the engaging of expert plans &c. Minister was not in town so no decision was arrived at. Coste also out of town. Mothersill was at dinner with me. Went to Lightfoots to spend evening. Fine. F. Sommerville started to work today. He went to Fenelon to make survey of dam."

Tuesday August 7: "At Ottawa. Went to Department. Minister was not at home. Lightfoot at lunch with me. Spent evening at Rev. W. Loucks. Started for home at 10.35. Fine. Dredge started work at Hendersons cut today."

Wednesday August 8: "Arr'd home at 4.40 am. Drove to locks. Was going to St. Lukes picnic but did not. Drove (Leary) to Lakefield & took Emp to dredge and Burleigh. Gave Croly instructions re pier from dam. Mina & Leah & Lillian with me. Fine."

Thursday August 9: "Office in am. Drove over part of line from Nassau to Lakefield. Greenwood (& boys) with me. Decided on [---] at proposed deviation of Railroad. Office at night."

Friday August 10: "Started for Balsam lake. Went to Lindsay by train & drove (Jenett) to Balsam lake. Got there 1.45 pm. Was expecting Fellows at the barracks but he did not come so did not see him. Boys with me. Stayed in barracks. Fine."

Saturday August 11: "Started for Balsam at 7 am. Went to look at Section for hydraulic lift on boundary line betw'n Carden & Eldon. In pm went over line between Balsam & Gamebridge. Fine. Went home by train from Gamebridge."

Sunday August 12: "Fine. Shower in afternoon. Office after church and sent off RWks paylists.

Monday August 13: "Fine. Office. Celebration of Relief of Derry here. Went over to line in Ashburnham with Greenwood. Worked at night. Went to locks after & came up with the Moonlight excursion."

[No entry August 14]

Wednesday August 15: "Went to Fenelon via Lindsay & Empire & ret’d. Started Kennedy as overseer at repairing slide & laid out new [---] & also guide booms to Ry bridge &c. I. Harry was also instructed to start work at once at Rosedale. Wired McKenzie Kirkfield to get 3 men from there & Foster from Coboconk. Scow is to go up tomorrow."

Thursday August 16: "Went to Niagara on excursion. Mina & Calcutt girls with us. Mina & I stayed & went to St. Catherines for night. Called on Wm Thompson but he was not at home. Called on Mr. Ellis & arranged to go over canal in morning. Fine. Civic Holiday."

Friday August 17: "Drove over canal accompanied by Mr. Ellis. Started for home at 3.15 & arrived home at 11.40. Fine."

Saturday August 18: "Office. Fine."

Sunday August 19: "Fine. Had musical evening after church."

Monday August 20: "Office. Small party at the house for Mabel Soothern & Muriel Rogers. Staying with us. Left at 11.40 pm for Ottawa."

Tuesday August 21: "Arr'd in Ottawa at 5 am with contour plan of site of hydraulic Lift lock on Armour's hill. Minister & Chief saw plan & ordered it to be sent to Clark & Stanfied of London Eng. to have plans &c made. Started for home at 10.35."

Wednesday August 22: "Arr'd home at 4.45. Went on Emp from Lak'd with Mr. Witton inspector Canal [---] to Chemong. Boys with me. Drove (Jones) home. Warm. Very smoky. Instructed Young to tighten up stop logs."

Thursday August 23: "Went on train to Chemong and took "Emp" for Fenelon with Mr. Witton. Mr. Fuller also with us & boys. Drove (Jones) home. Got home at 10.115. Warm & smoky. Took Jenkin & R Kennedy & [---] suit up to Fenelon Falls."

Friday August 24: "Drove (Jones) to lock with Mr. Witton. Water so low that boat could not get away from wharf. [---] dam at locks & ordered some more logs up at Lak’d & Y’s Pt. Hazlett shut off water in his side dam which has been leaking so bad that all floor of stream ran thr’o it & he did not notify Dunwoodie."

Saturday August 25: "Fine. Office till 10 pm. [---] H[---] called. Went to train with him."

Sunday August 26: "Fine."

Monday August 27: "Started for Balsam lake section at 5.15 pm & arr'd there at 9 pm. Drove from station to Fort. Tripp & party running south line near Glen Arm. Told them to finish tomorrow at that line. Fine."

Tuesday August 28: "Had men paddle me to Fenelon in pm. [---] stone [quay] at Rosedale. Drove (Golden) to Lindsay & home at night. Fine."

Wednesday August 29: "Office. Drove to Lakefield. Went to dredge and exam’d some test pits on survey. Thunder shower at night but not much rain. Country wants rain as there are great fires all over the country."

Thursday August 30: "McKey & Bowden went to Heely’s to survey. Went to locks in am (Jones). Office at night & went to Horticultural show."

Friday August 31: "Fine. Weather has been very dry & everything is parched up. Went to Heeley’s in pm. Drove (Mulhern) to Falls & took JW Dunwoodie out with me as foreman. Laid out work for him. Was to give him $3.00 per day and perhaps better"

[No entry September 1]

Sunday September 2: "Fine."

Monday September 3: "Labor Day. Holiday. Went to Burleigh to visit Croly & see timber . Grasset with me. Mina & children took bus & drove up to lake for day. I went to Bridgenorth & drove them down. Fine. Started for Montreal at 11.45."

Tuesday September 4: "Arrived in Montreal at 8 am. Called on Gaile & went over Harbor works with Sproule and to lunch with him. Went out with Gaele to Vaudrulle & stayed for the night. Fine."

Wednesday September 5: "Came up from Vaudrulle at 8.30. Went up to McGill & went over new buildings with Prof’s Adams, Bovery & Chandler. In pm went with Mr. Marceau over the Lachine Canal. Rained little in pm. Went up with Mr. Grant for supper & started for home at 9 p.m."

Thursday September 6: "Arrived home from Montreal at 5 am. Drove (Jones) to locks & down river to Yankee Burnett. Fine. Hot."

Friday September 7: "Office. Drove (Jones) to Lakefield. Went to dredge & over part of line. Drove to locks. Warm."

Saturday September 8: "Office. Drove to locks & instructed them to finish on Monday. Ordered dump boxes at Canoe Factory & central [---] works. Very warm."

Sunday September 9: "Rain last night hard. Tea at Maria's. Sent P Wks accts off."

Monday September 10: "Office.

Tuesday September 11: "Office. Fine."

Wednesday September 12: "Mr. Schreiber, Potinger, Mr. Sec’y & Mrs. Fletcher & daughter arr’d at 5 am to go over T.V.C. Mr. S & P & I drove over line to Lak’d. Others went by train. Took Empire & ran to Bob’n. Beautiful day. Was detained about 2 hours at Gannons Narrows by Gilmour’s logs."

Thursday September 13: "Started for Bob’n at 8 am. Ran to Fenelon & exam’d work. Ran on to Balsam lake. Water (9") only on dam at Rosedale. Struck hard. Mr. S., Fellows & I drove over line. Mr. S. much pleased with trip & work. Went to Gambridge & took train for Blackwater & the party went on to Toronto & I came home. Showers in pm."

Friday September 14: "Office. Very warm. Choir practice at night. Two girls (Alfred & Kennedy) drowned in lake tonight. Sussie C. went to Chicago."

Saturday September 15: "Very warm. Office. Busy at specifications T.V.C. Heavy rain shower at night. Sent party to Lakefield section to finish that section ready for contract."

Sunday September 16: "Very warm. Beautiful day. Tea at Marias."

Monday September 17: "Went to Lak’d on train. Went to dredge which got to work again after stoppage of 4 days. Boom broke again in afternoon but they are still working. Walked over Sec. No. 1 on canal & fixed culverts on it. Very warm. Drove home. Office at night."

Tuesday September 18: "Office. In evening met J H Balderson Sec’y Dept R & C at Oriental. Went over electric light station with him."

Wednesday September 19: "Went to Lakefield in am. Had JHB Sec’y Dept. R & C., Dr. Preston Carlton Place & S Hughes. Took them on Empire as far as Bob’n. Stayed there at night. Stormy in pm & rained hard at night. They are delighted with trip. Got to Bob'n at 6.30 pm."

Thursday September 20: "Started at 8 pm from Bob’n. C Fairbairn with us. Ran to Balsam lake. Had rigs meet us at Fort & drove over line of survey & on to Gamebridge where we took train for Peterboro. Arr'd at 9 & I spent evening with JHB & Dr. P. We had to take small yacht from Lindsay at Rosedale as water was so low."

Friday September 21: "Took "Daisey" at Peterboro & ran through to Hastings & took r'y there & drove four miles down river with JHB. H Calcutt with us. Spent evening with JHB & Dr. P. They were delighted with trip. Beautiful day."

Saturday September 22: "Went to 8.20 train to see JH Balderson Sec'y R & C off to Lindsay where they are going up the Scugog to Pt Perry. Busy with specification. Fine. Terrible accident this am on GTRy [Grand Trunk Railway]. R. Johnson & 2 others killed."

Sunday September 23: "Fine."

Monday September 24: "Busy at specification. Went to Board of Trade Meeting at 9 pm. Hon. M. Bonell & Larke spoke at it. Met R. Weddell & went with him. Cloudy & cool."

Tuesday September 25: "Office at specification. Col. First heavy frost last night. R. Weddell called in am.

Wednesday September 26: "At specifications. In pm went to Heely’s Falls to visit work in progress. South shore pier about finished & to put in sill tomorrow. Choir practice. Fine & warm. Very heavy frost last night."

Thursday September 27: "Busy at spec'n. Beautiful & fine. Harvest festival service in St Lukes. Great success. Rev. Mr. Mackenzie preached. Church looked beautiful. H. Morrow finished levelling first section & came down this morning."

Friday September 28: "Busy with specification for Canal. Beautiful & warm. Played football 5-6."

Saturday September 29: "Beautiful & warm. Went to football match in pm. [---] vs Electric Works. Latter won."

Sunday September 30: "Showry in am."

Monday October 1: "Fine. Very busy at specification till 11 pm."

Tuesday October 2: "Fine. Hazlett started to fix his raceway at Lakefield & shut off water. Dunwoodie did not take enough logs out so water is very low in river. Ordered more out. Went to lunch with Greenwood today. Worked till 10.30."

[No entry October 3]

Thursday October 4: "Went to Balsam L to visit Fellows. Arr'd there at 9 pm."

Friday October 5: "Walked over line to North of Kirkfield. Put in more men & instructed Fellows to push work. Drove to Gambridge & home on train."

Saturday October 6: "Very busy getting plans ready to go to Ottawa on Monday. Tom Hay working in office on plans."

[No entry October 7]

Monday October 8: "Very busy at specification."

[No entries October 9 - October 12]

Saturday October 13: "Very busy all week with specifications and plans. Did not go anywhere but to office all week & late at nights. Pretty well played out. Weather has been beautiful & warm."

[No entry October 14]

Monday October 15: "Very busy at plans and specifications. Left for Ottawa with plans and specifications of the Trent Valley Canal for Section 1 on the Peterboro – Lakefield Division and Sec. 1 Simcoe & Balsam lake Div. Went to Ottawa at night."

Tuesday October 16: "Arr'd in Ottawa at 6 am. Went to Dept. & went over part of specification with Chief Eng’r. He took them home with him."

Wednesday October 17: "Chief Engr – decided that I should get out a new specification for Canal using the Soulonges Canal Sec 5,8,7,8 as a basis. I am in for a nice job."

Thursday October 18: "Very busy every day with specification etc. At Ottawa."

Friday October 19: [Note: "At Ottawa" written once to include both October 18th and 19th.]

Saturday October 20: "Very busy with specifications. Went to see football match in pm. Ottawa College vs McGill. O.C. won 18 to 22. Beautiful day. Went to tea with John Orde. At Ottawa."

Saturday October 21: "Went to dinner at Mothersills and church am & pm - Grace Church. Walked with Balderson am & pm. Beautiful & warm. At Ottawa."

Monday October 22: [The following has been written at an angle on the page including October 22nd and 23rd.]: "Very busy with specifications &c. Chief Engr went away to [---] on Tuesday night & got back 22[---]. At Ottawa."

Tuesday October 23: [See above.]

Wednesday October 24: "Very busy with specifications. At Ottawa."

Thursday October 25: "Advertisement calling for tenders for Sec. 1 in Simcoe & Balsam and Pet. – Lakefield Secs. appeared in papers today. At Ottawa."

Friday October 26: "Busy with plans & specifications. At Ottawa."

Saturday October 27: "Went to football match in pm. Ottawa College vs Queen's. OC won. Went home at 10.30 as proofs of specifications will not be out till Tuesday."

Sunday October 28: "Arr'd home at 5 am. Fine."

Monday October 29: "Very busy all day. Started for Ottawa again at 11.42. Greenwood was to post proofs of specifications last night but forgot so there is trouble."

Tuesday October 30: "Arr'd in Ottawa at 6 am. Went to printers with proofs of specifications. Got proofs of part of P & L Sec. Very busy reading proofs."

Wednesday October 31: "Got specifications for Balsam lake Section today. Started home at 10.35."

Thursday November 1: "Arrived home this am. Cold & showry. There has been beautiful weather up to today. Busy till 11.30 reading proofs of P & L Sec and sent it off. All Saints day."

Friday November 2: "Office. Rain."

Saturday November 3: "Showry. Fair in afternoon. Went down to football match vs. "Osgoode Hall". Osg won 17-8." [Note: The word "won" has been crossed out and the words "8 to 8 (correct score)" have been added.]

[No entry November 4]

Monday November 5: "Ran from Lak'd to Bridgenorth on "Emp". Fine. Drove home (Jones)."

Tuesday November 6: "Drove (Jones) to Bridgenorth and ran Emp to Bob’n. Started at 4.30 pm. Sussie C. with me. Stayed at M. Boyd’s. Cold. Sent pay lists off this pm. Mina fell off a chair in putting out hall lamp & hit her head."

Wednesday November 7: "Beautiful day. Cool. Drove to Fenelon Falls and exam’d the new work (sluice & guard piers) done this summer. Mr Kennedy with me. Could not go thro’ locks as water is shut out on acc't of [---] raceway. Mina’s head is pretty bad. In bed all day."

Thursday November 8: "Office."

Friday November 9: "Office. Started for Balsam lake at 5 pm. Arr'd at Kirkfield 9. Drove to camp & stayed at Kirkfield over night. Cold & raw. Camp at Burn's."

Saturday November 10: "Went over line to Victoria Road with Fellows. Gave instructions re a trial like from about crossing of Grass River. Went to see Dr. Wood re closing of con line 1X & X. Drove to Lorneville & home. Snowed about 2 inches last night. Fine day."

Sunday November 11: "Cold & raw. Cold at night & froze hard."

Monday November 12: "Froze hard. The bays and Narrows frozen over at Lovesick & navigation stopped. Emp took Reynolds & No. 1 Scow around for wood and was to have gone to Brid’h for to take me to Bob’n but was too late. "Esturion" stopped by ice in Lindsay river to-day – "Daisey" came up from Rice Lake and stopped running as water is so low in river."

Tuesday November 13: "Emp was to have gone to Brid’h for me to go to Bob’n for deer hunt but could not get through Deer Bay for ice. Ice 1 ¼ inches thick. Sleet most of day. Milder. Office all day."

Wednesday November 14: "Fine most of day. A little snow this morning. "Empire" again tried to get around from Burleigh but was stopped at Indian Village by ice. Was ready to go to Bob’n tonight but did not go as "Emp" was stopped. Milder. Sent Estimates in for "Income & Repairs" today."

Thursday November 15: "Office. Mild & fine."

Friday November 16: "Office all day & night. Beautiful day. Mild. Ice pretty well gone. Snow all gone."

Saturday November 17: "Very cold. Emp towed. Dredge up to Burleigh to lay up."

Sunday November 18: "Cold."

Monday November 19: "Drove to Lakefield to meet Village Council re roads & bridges on Canal. "Emp" came down for last trip. Drove home (Cooper). Very cold. Started to measure up lot lines for land plan."

Tuesday November 20: "Office. Mr. Casement (Reeve Lak’d) in to see me re by-law for roads & bridges."

Wednesday November 21: "Drove (Jones) out to meet Douro Council re roads & bridges. Mild."

Thursday November 22 [Note: Date has been changed to 23] "Office. Started for Balsam lake at 5.12 pm. Arr'd at 8.30. Drove (McKenzie) from Victoria Rd to Fort."

[No entry November 23; however, see above]

Saturday November 24: "Went over North end of line with Fellows. Dinner at Kirkfield. Got telegraph from Chief to go to Ottawa on Monday. Drove to Lorneville in wet snow storm & took train home."

Sunday November 25: "Cool. Started for Ottawa at 11.40 pm."

Monday November 26: "Arr'd in Ottawa at 6 am. Went to "Russey". At Dept all day. Went in to see Minister re changing route of Canal at Lakef’d. Decided to have survey of river made with object of [taking] river route for canal. It was decided to hold cheques for few days. Telegraphed Greenwood to start survey of river. Fine."

Tuesday November 27: "At Dept all day. Went up at night to see figures of tender with B. Snow & blustering."

Wednesday November 28: "Met Mr. Onderdonk at hotel in am for first time. Went up to Dept. & saw Chief. Started for home at 11 am. Arr'd at 4.40. Went to office after tea. Went to hotel to see Chipman. Very cold a& windy. Coldest day yet."

Thursday November 29: "Cold. Office. Drove (Jones) to Lakefield in afternoon to look over river line. Office."

Friday November 30: "Office. Milder. Finished laying up dredge and Empire today and men came down. Went to service & office."

Saturday December 1: "Office. Football team gave me an oyster supper at Palace Restaurant in recognition of my interest in football. Went off first rate. Mild. Drove (Jones) up to waterworks dam. Took T Hay with me to pick out place to measure current & guage above water works dam."

Sunday December 2: "Wet snow 2 inches. Little colder at night."

Monday December 3: "T. Hay went up to guage river & current. Drove (Jones) up in pm with cable & helped him. Cool. Office. ED McEachern came down from Lindsay to see if I had heard of Pope."

Tuesday December 4: "Fine. Office. Party finished levels & traverse of river to Nassau. Took Mina to ‘Younk’ Concert."

Wednesday December 5: "Office. Mild & fine."

Thursday December 6: "Geo. A. Pope called in am to start re buying land for Balsam lake section in connection with EA McEachern. Pope started for Balsam lake at 5.12. Office. Fine & mild. Went to sale at St Lukes church."

Friday December 7: "Fine day. Office."

Saturday December 8: "Rained.Cool night & froze. Walking very bad. Everything covered with ice. Pope called saying that they had decided not to do anything further till Tuesday next when they had appointments with land owners. Showers during day. Drove to Lakefield in pm (Greenwood with me) to examine location of dams on river."

Sunday December 9: "Walking terrible. Fine."

Monday December 10: "Lillian had a convulsion this morning 5 am. The first she has had for 4 mos, though she was threatened with one about 3 weeks ago. She ate an orange & some of the peel yesterday and it did not agree with her. Started for Balsam lake at 5.12 pm. Stayed at Kirkfield over night. Pope went up on train with me."

Tuesday December 11: "Drove to Fort. Found Fellows there. Stayed there all day & night. Miserable day. Rain part of day & foggy. Pope & McEachern started to buy land & agreed with three parties for their land."

Wednesday December 12: "Started for home. Drove (McK) to station and home at 11.45. Met Hughes at [---]. Sir John Thompson who is in England died suddenly while at lunch at Windsor Castle today. Rained all day. Did not go to office after tea. The Country is terribly upset over the death of Sir John Thompson (Premier)."

Thursday December 13: "Office. Fair."

Friday December 14: "Fine. Office. Drove (Jones) over part of line to Nassau. Choir practice."

Saturday December 15: "Office. Pope called on his way to Belleville. Warm & beautiful day. Lillian has a touch of bronchitis."

Sunday December 16: "Showry. Mr. Davies came to dinner."

Monday December 17: "Rain & snow showers in am. Office."

Tuesday December 18: "Fine day. Mild. Saw farmers ploughing today. Went to Crown lands office to see information re tps surveys of Eldon &c. Went to see Pattie but she was out. Came home at 5 pm. Pope went to Kirkfield this morning."

Wednesday December 19: "Mild like spring and has been for the greater part of the last fortnight. Office."

Thursday December 20: "Foggy in am. Beautiful day. Very mild. Drove to Lakefield after dinner (Jones). Found party working at L’d."

Friday December 21: "Went to Fenelon re drownd [sic] land cases. Went to [---] & drove (Jewett) [---]. Find day. A shower rain at 7 oclock. Went to tea with S Hughes. Caddy said Pope came down tonight. Fellows, Tripp, Caddy &c left Balsam lake this morning."

Saturday December 22: "Fine. Colder. Office. S Hughes MP came up to office & I went with him to train which was late - 12.30. Doctor said Edna had a touch of inflamation of the lungs. She is polticed &c."

Sunday December 23: "Beautiful day. Cold."

Monday December 24: "Office in am. At church decorations in pm. Fine but towards night sleet."

Xmas Tuesday December 25: "M & I went to early service. Decorated Edna’s room. Poor Edna has to stay in bed. Went to service & to town. Fixed little Christmas tree for Edna. Harriet C. has also to stay in house & also had a little girl (Payne) to stay with Edna. All rest to dinner at Calcutts. At 5 went up to Marias till 7.30 where there was a gathering of the clan. Went to Christmas tree at 7.30 at Calcutts & took children home 9.30. Went to Maria’s again till 10.30 & to Calcutts 11."

Wednesday December 26: "Office. Started for Kirkfield at 5.12 pm. Much colder. Cavana O.L.S. met me at Kirkfield to start with surveying side lines &c."

Thursday December 27: "Drove out on line and started Cavana on Victoria road. Went up to north end of line to look at location for lift lock. Fellows & Tripp got back from Ottawa. Very rough day. Cold & blowing & snow flurries. Came home. Went to Hetty’s party."

Friday December 28: "Very cold. Windy. 16° below last night. Office. Did not go to office after tea."

Saturday December 29: "Very cold in am, below 20° below last night. Milder towards night. Office."

Sunday December 30: "Beautiful day. Milder."

Monday December 31: "Office. Fine. Went to Sunday School. Christmas tree."




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